Acne A Common Skin Disease To More Than Common Problems}

Acne- a common skin disease to more than common problems


Richard MorrissonAcne is perhaps the most common skin disease and is universal. You would find people with red elevations on their face in every part of the globe. Let us simply acne and know more about it. Acne is the root to pimples. In many cases acne and pimples are considered synonyms but there is a difference. Pimples are formed when hair follicles under your skin clog up. Again, pimples are not limited to face only, but they are commonly found on the neck, back, chest and shoulders as well. Who becomes a victim of acne?Anyone. Yes, acne is not at all a teenager skin disease though it is common in teenagers. Since, hormonal change is one of the core causes of acne, teenagers are affected by this in large numbers. It is not a serious skin issue, but it has more psychological effects to the affected person than medical. It really makes you feel conscious and under confident.How to find out you have AcneKnow your acne first, which are of two main types: non-inflammatory and inflammatory. In case of non-inflammatory acne, you would observe just a few whiteheads and blackheads on the face areas. This is a relatively mild case of acne and nothing to worry about. If you seek treatment, then it can be done with nonprescription medicines. If you suffer from acne, there are more chances that it’s non-inflammatory acne. In case of inflammatory acne, the whiteheads get inflamed. With this, red pimples and pustules develop within days. Sometimes, this type of Acne

takes a difficult shape and can cause disfiguring cysts and deep, pitting scars on the face, back, neck, chest and other areas. If this really goes out of hand then you might need a small surgery to get rid of inflammatory completely.


What makes acne a worse nightmare?You know it and you have done it. Do not squeeze pimples because popping tends to force the oil and bacteria into the deeper skin layers, causing cysts to develop. If you are into skin scrubs then take a note. Excessive scrubbing irritates the skin and amounts to a loss of skin cells that furthers pore clogging.

The Author is a professional writer, presently writing for

Acne No More


Acne Diet


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