Home Water Treatment}

home Water Treatment


addy leeWater is nature’s most wonderful, abundant and useful compound. Of the many essential elements for the existence of human being, animals and plants water is rated to be of the greatest importance. Without food, human can survive for a number of days, but water is such an essential that without it one cannot survive.water is not only essential for the lives of animals and plants, but also occupies a unique position in Industries. Probably its most important use as an engineering material is in ‘steam generation’. Water is also used as coolant in power and chemical plants. in addition to it, water is widely used in other fields such as production of steel, rayon,paper,atomic energy,textiles,chemicals,ice and for air-conditioning,bathing,washing,irrigation,fire-fighting etc.Hardness in water is that characteristic, which “prevents the lathering of soap”. This is due to presence of certain salts of calcium, magnesium and other heavy metals dissolved in it. Hard water when treated with soap does not produce lather, but on the other hand forms a white scum or precipitate. This precipitate is formed, due to formation of insoluble soaps of calcium and magnesium. Hardness is of two types-1. Temporary or Carbonate hardness. 2. Permanent or non-carbonate hardness.Temporary hardness can be removed by boiling but permanent hardness cant be removed by boiling so it need some type of external treatment. Hard water gives two types of problem first is in domestic use and other in industrial use. Problem related to domestic is of drinking, bathing, cooking, washing. But on other hand in industries like Textile, Sugar, Dyeing, Paper, laundry, Pharmaceutical etc. suffers great problem with it.Hard water Provides scale formation:In this scale is deposited in the tubes of water heater or at joints which causes lowering the flow of water and clogs them. The main particle behind the clogging of tubes in water heater is calcium carbonate and other dissolved salts. As calcium and magnesium salts are present in high concentration they lower the life span of water heaters and other useful equipments. The scale formed does not allow heat to pass through or heat conduction to occur. In many companies boilers are used but hard water is the problem as it clogs the tubes and causes many problems in boilers which require a lot of money to repair.The only solution left out is using the home Water Treatment

systems which can removes the hardness of water and makes it useful to drink and to wash, once the water is soften then the problem with boilers and water heater is almost removed. The life span of boilers and water heaters is also increased which in turn save the maintenance cost. These hard water treatment systems are used commercially as they lower the concentration of ions and the problem is resolved.

Addy Says: Hard Water is the major problem in industrial areas of many countries, so the use of

home Water Treatment

treatment systems provides the solution to many industrial areas of countries.

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