Natural Organic Skincare Tips For Winter

Submitted by: Martin Gavin

If it’s one thing that’s bad for the skin, its a fluctuation in temperature, and that’s what makes January a very testing time for people who spend work in doors, with the heating on full blast, and have to deal with play time out in the wintry cold.

Here then, are 10 top tips for taking care of your precious skin.


It sounds really simple, but drinking water is seriously good for your skin; like you, your skin gets thirsty, and it dries up. Dry skin causes all kinds of blemishes, and – particularly in this hot and cold conundrum – can make your skin look worn and cracked. So drink plenty of water and reap the benefits!

Get Moisture!

In the dry cold climate it’s good to try and get a bit of moisture into the work and the home. Investing in a humidifier might sound odd and a little geeky, but it really can work wonders; getting that moisture back to your skin is a really useful thing.

Make sure to Exfoliate


Old, dead cells will make skin look old and dead. Giving the skin a good exfoliating scrub removes those dead cells. It invigorates and regenerates the look of your skin, and is a good combatant in the war against those cold nasties.

Use a Moisturiser

Really, you should make sure that the moisturiser you use is oil based, or it may still dry out the skin. If it doesn’t, then it might still dry out your skin.If it’s at least 75% oil-based, though, it should do the trick. In combination with exfoliation, a good moisturiser works a treat.

Sun Lotion

True, it sounds weird to recommend sun lotion during cold weather. But the truth is, sunscreen protects the skin from a number of elements, and a number of those are still prevalent in the cold,; the sun doesn’t go away just because it’s winter! and that, combined with other elements, takes its toll on the skin, but can be negated by a bit of sunscreen.

Wear Gloves

Effective and simple. but easy to forget! it keeps the hands nice and warm, and shields them from the potential harm of fluctuating hot and cold weather and temperatures.

Getting Plenty of Flaxseed Oil

Does the work of a moisturiser, but on the inside of the body. It has some good vital acids and really does the body – and naturally, then, the skin – real good. Doesn’t taste great, but we all have to make sacrifices!

Using Oils in the Bath

just a couple of drops of moisturising oils in the bath can go a long way to helping the skin stay smooth.

Avoid the Blow Drier

This is not good for winter, so avoid it if you can! Try the messy look, or the waxy look; great skin and original hair never goes amiss, right?

Don’t Lick your Lips!

Like eating a doughnut and not getting rid of the sugar, not licking your lips during winter is very very difficult. But it does not help, not one bit. Avoid it at all costs! Your lips will be all the better. Simply keep a lip balm handy.

So there you have it. Take these tips, and go forth!

About the Author: If you want good

natural organic skincare tips

, just ask Martin Gavin; he’s the man in the know. He writes for, the Notting Hill Spa that uses only natural and organic ingredients.


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The Power Of Low Negatives For Your Online Business

Submitted by: Scott Lindsay

There is a political strategy that has been used successfully for several years now. The idea is to support and push for candidates with low negatives.

This philosophy tends to suggest that a winning candidate may not have the overall highest degree of positives, but they absolutely must have low negatives.

If a skeleton is found in the closet by the news media this is a negative and will be heavily reported on in most cases. Since it is normal for the media to fixate on bad or negative news it stands to reason that negative press will gain the most coverage and result in a fluctuating opinion of the candidate.

While everyone was pushing for a very positive candidate at one time the new trend is to get behind someone who has a background with few potential negative reports.

The same is true with your Internet business and subsequent marketing. You want to make sure that above all else there are very few downsides to the product or service you are marketing.


By all means accentuate the positive. After all it is your website so hit the high points at will. Just make sure that you back products you truly believe have low negatives or have been adequately proven to have very little downside.

If you have a customer who discovers a flaw in your product and you don t want to address the issue that individual can spread word quickly via the web and through consumer oriented feedback sites.

Let me be clear, your product doesn t have to be the absolute best product ever produced, but it does need to do what you say it will do. Negative press can adversely affect your business.

If you can present your business with the aim of satisfying 80% of your consumers while not leaving a bad taste in the proverbial mouths of the other 20% then you can likely experience continued growth and customer support. Once negatives get beyond 20% they start causing your business problems.

For instance if you have a product that you feel could benefit from marketing the link between the product and a reduction in carbon output then you would likely benefit from this marketing strategy. If, however, you have a sense that this may be viewed as controversial then you can decrease potential negatives by not making this issue a cornerstone of your marketing plan.

We ve all encountered products that are pushed heavily. The product seems to be flying off the shelf, but the business is abandoned in a short period of time. The reason is often due to known deficits in the product and the business owner just wanted to dump and run – get rid of the product before the consumer figures out it wasn t worth it.

If you want to be in business online for the long-term you may want to consider choosing products with low negatives. The idea is to find and sell products that people have a heard time saying anything bad about.

When you devise a marketing plan based around controversy you intentionally polarize your client base and force yourself into a niche market. That market could be lucrative, but it could also be a frustrating disappointment if you should alienate otherwise willing buyers.

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