Reasons For Hiring A Small Business Bankruptcy Lawyer

byAlma Abell

If you are a sole proprietor, you and your business are legally one and the same thing, rendering you personally liable for all its debts. Therefore, in the event that your business is declared bankrupt and there is not enough money in the business to pay the debts, creditors will be entitled to not only take the business assets, they can also take your personal assets. This rule also applies for general partners. If your small business is compelled to file for bankruptcy, it is essential that you seek assistance from someone having the requisite legal knowledge in business bankruptcy. Here are some important reasons for hiring a Small Business Bankruptcy Lawyer.

The attorney has undergone certification

A business bankruptcy attorney will have been duly by the American Board of Certification. A certified attorney is likely to have gone through rigorous testing and met objective standards while demonstrating exceptional knowledge in bankruptcy laws and creditors’ rights. Due to their vast knowledge in the prevailing state laws on bankruptcy, such attorneys are capable interpreting the law to the advantage of their clients.

Experience in bankruptcy proceedings

Choosing a business bankruptcy attorney will guarantee you that they already have experience in bankruptcy adjudications on a business level. You may gauge a particular attorney’s level of experience by getting references from their colleagues, as well as visiting their website and examining the various reviews made by their previous clients.

Help with tackling legal complexities

A small business bankruptcy attorney is capable of helping you with the following:

1. Analyzing your situation and explaining your rights and legal options.

2. Taking the necessary precautions aimed at preventing lawsuits, tax levies, garnishments, foreclosure and any other collection actions that may have been brought against you.

3. Providing legal advice that will help you in rebuilding your credit after bankruptcy.

If your business is on the verge of financial failure and you are considering filing for bankruptcy, it is essential that you hire a Small Business Bankruptcy Lawyer who is committed through certification to keeping up their proficiency through continual practice and education. Contact Hitchcock & Associates, P.C. They have competent bankruptcy lawyers with a winning track record. Visit for details on their services.

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Characteristics Of A Successful Real Estate Broker

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Education, work experience, and knowledge can help real estate brokers land a job, but their personality characteristics are what will help them stand out from the competition and succeed. As you work toward obtaining your Utah real estate broker license, consider this list of qualities that may prove invaluable to helping your business grow once you pass the broker’s exam.


The ability to communicate is essential because the very nature of the real estate business centers on clients trusting you to understand what they want and need in a home. Furthermore, knowing preferences of the buyer or seller and keeping them informed on the details of your hard work is critical to your relationship. It is the connection you develop with each client that may keep referrals coming in year after year.

As you strive to get your Utah real estate broker license, learn to listen. Listening is crucial in two-way communication because it allows you to know when to offer advice to potential and previous clients. A successful real estate broker will be able to calm troubled minds with just a few words. Such open conversation also develops trust, and trust provides life-long customers.


Creating a special relationship with people is difficult, but developing a caring nature allows each person to be unique and therefore a possible lead. It can open business opportunities often missed by real estate brokers and agents constantly looking for the next big sale. You can keep clients coming back to you by caring about who they are and why they came to you in the first place.


More than anything else, patience will be your friend in the ever-changing world of real estate as you reach for the Utah real estate broker license. Patience with people, the market, and other brokers can help you further your career and meet potential new clients every day.