Yeast Cure You Better Believe It

Submitted by: Ashley C Taylor

Before I get into the primary subject matter of this article it’s worth knowing something…

The period it takes to have the yeast cure work depends on two things. You are directly in control of one, and indirectly in control of the second. I have listed them below:

-The level of persistence you have in the treatments you purchase – ‘direct’ control.

-Your resistance to the yeast’s development through a healthy immune system Indirect.

What’s interesting about these lines is that they are interdependent – without persistence there is no resistence. Keep it simple by concentrating only on persistence – your resistence will come through on it’s own.

In this article I will be extensively exploring the options you can use to cure yeast infection.


Pills and tablets for yeast infection are allowed to be acquired over the counter. Yet,

1.Side-effects are a standard feature.

2.While they relieve your immediate discomforts, yeast infection comes back with a vengeance once you are no longer taking them.

3.If the illness comes back, it can become immune if you use the same remedies again and again.


Recommended: (short term only)

-Nystatin: By far, the most well-approved tablets for yeast infection.

-Diflucan: This potent medication is prescribed only by your doctor. A disadvantage is the potential occurance of severe lung collapse. – and they are not available when you are breast feeding and/or giving birth in the near future.

ALERT: Do not use antibiotics when you have yeast infection. Your immune system becomes weaker as a result of taking antibiotics. – Steer clear of antibiotic use


Like Pills and tablets, suppositories are quickly effective and relieve a lot of the irritation. Also, they shouldn’t be considered a long term approach as candida can grow immunity to them over time.

Mind you, they do have less side effects.

Best of Category: (short term only)

-Yeast Arrest


This form of treatment is quick to take effect and with the choice of garlic capsules, they can be practically side effect free. With capsules you do have everything you need ready to consume, but they are more expensive than purchasing the equivalent in the food market.

Best of Category: (short term only)

-A couple of garlic capsules per day – enteric-coated for best results.

-Diflucan: Also available in capsules. Let me remind you once more that they should be seen as a last resort.

Ointments and Creams:

Creams and ointments are just one other short term remedys but we are getting to the long-term cure (I promise!). Yeast levels can only be truely managed by repairing the inside of your body. The nature of creams and ointments mean that they are used on the outer layers of the body – not a long term answer to your problem!

Recommended: (short term only)

-You can purchase Nystatin as a cream It’s the most popular solution no matter if it’s a pill or a cream.

-A Different product you have is with Monistat. If Nystatin doesn’t perform for you, for whatever cause, buy Monistat.

Organic Cure: (Recommended)

When it comes to security and long term success nothing comes close to the organic approach of remedying health issues Mother Nature truly is the best doctor.

It is also nicely free of side-effects because you are eating foods that we have evolved with.

Further, your diet is a brilliant opportunity to naturally retain great health long term. Welcome this change to your lifestyle and you won’t have to occupy yourself with receiving the right medication, making sure you don’t overdose, and knowing what solution does what. As a short term strategy, however, pharmaceuticals are fine.

Best of Category: (The long term approach)

Oil from the Tea Tree — Treat the area using a tuft of cotton dipped into the solution.

Garlic Extracts – Garlic Extracts have been utilised as a home remedy for eons – they are naturally antifungal and really should be considered a super food for victims of yeast infection. You can consume garlic in numerous forms, the cheapest being in the food market. The benefits are quick to act and side effects are rare.

Apple Vinegar (Cedar) — This solution recovers the pH levels in your body – leading to better control of yeast levels.

Believe it or not, your clothes may be contributing to candidiasis. Ensure they are loose fitting. Further, keep your clothes nice and dry. If they get damp, change them straight away. Candida savours a warm and damp environment, don’t help them out!

Lapacho — Lapucho tea tussles with yeast effectively with it’s antiviral qualities.

Yogurt With Acidophilus — If you want to see the benefits of yogurt on your yeast levels then it is important that you buy probitoc yogurt WITH acidophilus. The candidiasis will be moderated by good bacteria.

About the Author: Ashley Taylor is a health expert. For more helpful tips visit


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